
MASTER CLASS (2/6)- Bottom turn

Bottom Turn by Kevin OlsenTop Turn by Kevin OlsenTop Turn 02 by Kevin Olsen
MASTER CLASS (2/6)- Bottom turn
How to surf better with Kevin Olsen. 
Learning the fundamentals of surfing and taking your surfing to the next level is everything- so by implementing these simple techniques to your everyday surfing you can change your surfing forever.  I will be sharing my coaching knowledge and what technical programs I use to surf better and have applied to my surfing over the years to constantly improve. These programs are directed towards mostly beginners and intermediate surfers, however the breakdown of these programs are systematically identical for all surfers meaning we all have to go through the same motions to improve. 
Last week I described 'paddling for a wave’ and all the important elements it takes to catching the perfect wave and I ended with the ‘bottom turn’. 
The bottom turn is where it all starts. The main functions of the bottom turn is to gain speed on the take off, get around sections and set-up the next turn. 
I always say "good bottom turn=good top turn. No bottom turn=no top turn"
It’s that easy. 
The ability to master the bottom turn is fundamental in becoming a good surfer. It's the first turn on a wave and sets you up for those technically challenged maneuvers. It also allows you to approach the open face of the wave with maximum speed by surfing vertically up the wave face. Like a skateboarder dropping in on the ramp he bends his knees and aims for the bottom - well its the same in surfing. 

There are two types of bottom turns, the frontside and backside bottom turn. You are trying to accomplish the same thing regardless of whether you're surfing frontside or backside. The key is to hold onto your speed and generate a smooth, powerful transition with your turn. The smoother the better! This is a move that you'll use every time you ride a wave, and each time you set yourself up for a maneuver. From a coaching point of view it is always "bottom to top"

Important key elements to remember: 

  • Always look at the bottom of the wave when you drop-in
  • Bend your knees to the max, keep a low centre of gravity and stay low by touching the water with your hands
  • Work on using the leading edge of your surfboard rail to cut through the water. Get your rail into the water. 
  • Keep your eyes on the wave and learn to project yourself down, around the bottom turn and up the open face of the wave. 

Weight Distribution:

  • Keep a low centre of gravity by being centered over your surfboard, bend your knees
  • With your legs flexing, you must extend them through the bottom turn and power through the turn
  • Try to distribute your weight evenly over your board and be in control
  • Too much weight on your back foot and you'll risk losing control of the bottom turn

Try to keep your speed up as much as you can throughout the maneuver. Once you start making the turn, keep the same smooth line right the way through to maximise speed. Get the rail of your surfboard to knife into the water and start to turn. Keep your knees bent and drive off the bottom of the wave, use your speed through this transition. Push with your back foot as you come off the bottom, extend all the way through your turn with the main goal to ride up the open wave face and penetrate the lip line. 

The different types of turns you do on the wave after the bottom turn all depends on the type of wave you are riding.
If it is a small wave then your turns can be tight and right meaning you can move around and do some damage by surfing fast and attacking the lip of the wave. Small wave surfing is technically the best place to start and you want to hit the lip close to your take off point by doing a sharp, reactive and speedy bottom turn. 
If the surf is big for example and there is a section of white water in front of you then full commitment, low stance and a big drawn out bottom turn is key to getting around big open sections. 

That's how we make a proper bottom turn! If it feels good and you are getting the results then keep thinking bottom to top. 

They say "practice makes perfect "
Well I say « perfect practice makes perfection »
I hope this information and breakdown helps you and remember it’s the basics that are most important to catching more waves and surfing better. 

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